
Miracles do happen

miracles do happen,

Last year in June, I was terribly sick, was bed ridden for a month. With time and Guru Ji’s blessing my health improved and I started living a normal life.

In Mar 2019 my friends planned a trip to Devprayag. It was a camping n trekking trip. I was not going as it was way too adventurous and I thought my body won’t allow such exertion.

Living in tents amidst the nature, gazing the stars, waking up to chirping birds it was totally surreal.

A night before I made my mind to go and next morning we all left for Devprayag. I was excited to do such adventurous stuff as I am not at all adventurous. Can anyone believe a girl who was not even able to move her toe fingers in June 2018 was doing a full fledged trekk in March 2019 and that too without any problem. I didn’t faced a single issue. It was something very different for me. Living in tents amidst the nature, gazing the stars, waking up to chirping birds it was totally surreal.

Also Read: You are a superhero!

I remember while trekking we stopped somewhere between the valley where a waterfall was behind us and and we had to cross a small river. I got scared that how will I cross it. There was a small bridge of stones that we need to cross; I crossed it without any problem although I stepped directly into water while crossing the river and my shoe got wet.

But altogether it was a hell fun trip. If you surrender yourself totally to the almighty then there is nothing you can’t achieve. 100% Faith is required for such devotion.

It’s my own experience that you never know what is waiting for you ahead. Six-eight months before you are bed ridden, unable to walk, totally dependent on wheelchair/stretcher and then you are climbing mountains, doing a full fledged trekking. Simply there is nothing impossible if you trust God.

Also Read: Journey of finding myself and my happiness

I would only end it up by saying “ Too blessed to be Stressed” Jai Guru Ji

Never ever lose your self-confidence and keep faith in Almighty as you have no idea what miracles are waiting for you.

Priyanka Punj

Warrior with a Pout
Makeup? Fashion ?Lifestyle ⭐️ Blogger by choice
IT Engineer by profession

1 comment

  • I m amazed to see that yes Miracles do happen …n i the one who witnessed this….Shukrana Guru Ji for every thing….i wish many more adventerous trips in ur life Priyanka…all d best to u darlin..

Dream Quotes

I\'m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.
— Mike Tyson


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