
Childhood Memories and Advice to Your Younger-self

Childhood Memories and Advice to Your Younger-self,

Dear younger-self,

I am writing this to you as we have our first official snow fall of this year. Do you remember playing in the snow and building a snowman? What about meeting with your friends at the park after school almost everyday? I sure hope you remember all of the family road trips! You probably have no idea, but all of these memories are going to stay with you in your heart as you grow. Isn’t it weird that nothing seems to change daily, but everything changes when you look back at your life all at once? I know this is very hard for you to understand as you have never really thought about your future.

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However, to make things easier for you, I have some advice that I’d like to share with you. First of all, don’t be afraid of trying new things because this will keep you from benefiting new experiences in life. If you don’t try out new things, you’ll be in your comfort zone and play safe, but you will regret an adventure for every time you say “no thanks” to a great opportunity. In the end, only you will know how many things you have regretted.

Life is short and therefore follow your dreams, big and small.

Another advice is to focus on yourself. It’s easy to get busy in life and that’s where you might think that 24 hours a day is not enough for you to juggle work, school and other things all at the same time. But sometimes you simply need that long overdue “nap” without any disturbance.

Learn when to say yes and when to say no. You were never able to say no to someone simply because you were too shy. But when you will get older, you’ll have to say no in order to stand for yourself. For example, when someone asks you to help them to pick up their slack. It is okay to help people but there are certain limits. When people cross their limits, it is time to say no. However, you also have to learn how to say yes to new experiences. If you get to do something interesting, then you should definitely do it. If you can, you should.

Also Read: Each friend represents a world in us

All of this to say that you are blessed in your life, you have everything that you need, and you will achieve more in life with a positive mind and a good heart. Life is short and therefore follow your dreams, big and small.

Embrace every moment, say yes to new things, meet that friend, take the job, express yourself, live your life to the fullest!

The Daily Sunlight

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"This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is" ~Dennis Rodman

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Dream Quotes

The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.
— Kalpana Chawla


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