
Building Up is Better Choice Than Tearing Apart

There is no age limit for Dreaming and Achieving it,

Hello all, the 2019 April is going great and I am quite sure that it is adding an extra bonanza to the ladies because it is not more than a month before that we have celebrated Women’s Day. In that time lots of social media posts, events and meetups may have been organized to let people know that we are equal to man. We have also raised our voice aloud that we have done this and we have done that. Yes, we are indeed equal in any stream but do we remember all these things a whole year. Why should women’s Day be celebrated in March only? Why can’t it be celebrated everyday throughout the year? I think our attitude towards our daily life makes all this differences.

How many among us will remind about this equality during traveling in a public place? How many of remind about that equality when people degrade other women in public place? How many of us will immediately start raising our voice when someone hits a woman publicly or inside their house. How many of us supported the idea of having a separate place in every public place where a mother can feed her baby?

Actually, we never paid attention to these matters because those seem to be someone other’s concern or personal matter. So, we choose either to keep mum or to continue our verbal war on social media. Comment sections of the news links depicting the degrading conditions of women in our society are the real battlefield of us where we share our wise thoughts regarding any topic. How many of us really care to follow up those ethics in our daily life?  It will be unfair if I say none of us follows that but the actual number is really negligible. In order to bring a change or to be equal, we should not always take a flag or banner in our hand and keep demanding our equal rights by shouting slogans on road.

To prove our equality we have to start working on our capabilities and duties. We can’t always be opportunity seeker and dependent one. It is much disheartening to see how often women passengers make a demand to vacate the seats in public transport just because they are women and they cannot stand for long as the men while they are neither looks to be an expecting mother or a sick one or even an aged one. Similarly, some women often use vitriolic words and perceptions against freedom-loving women. They keep doing their filthy discussions about the freedom to choose someone’s cloth, lifestyle and life partners. They feel it is not at all necessary to respect their personal choices as a human being.

Women’s day comes and goes every year and we continue our journey in a similar way which is being followed by years. We never thought that we should start working on earning that equality we are demanding for years. It will be an injustice if I say that every single woman thinks like that but many among us have still thought and follows this kind of attitude.

Also Read: Dream to make every women financially independent

If a working woman is trying hard to maintain personal and professional life balanced many of us starts to find the faults in her daily chores of work and how she is failing to get small household experiences in comparison to them. Don’t we support the lady for her hard efforts rather pulling her down?

Similarly, when a mother is feeding her baby in public some of us is busy to accuse her of vulgarity and public nuisance rather than understanding her situation. These group of women never thinks that they should start to make it an important issue to stand for that there is no vulgarity in this kind of activity.

When a girl is returning late night from her workplace it has become a common thing that the women of that locality or apartment start to point fingers at her along with others. Sometimes, they don’t even know the working criteria and requirement of the job the lady is perusing but they just love to enjoy the situation when a working lady gets questioned for leading their normal lifestyle. These kinds of situation will start to diminish if we start to stand by ourselves.

Also Read: There is no age limit for Dreaming and Achieving it

Moreover, when we are demanding equality we should be asking for helps all the times. Let’s start vacating seats for aged people in public transport without thinking that it is always a man’s duty to do those works and we are weak enough to offer this kind of help to anyone.

Let’s start working on your goal and start earning your own economic support. Do not depend on others to buy your own stuff and to get your own aims and dreams to be fulfilled. Just remember that equality can only be earned if women start to earn themselves to fulfill their dreams and desires. Apart from that, we should also start to lend our support and inspirations to others whenever anybody needs it.

Without being self-dependent and able to support others we can’t demand to be equal because it takes efforts and capability to demand something.


Hi, I am Jagriti Roy. A teacher in profession and a ameture blogger too. is my blog link. I have just published my first poetry book which is doing good in Flipcart, Amazonil India, Amazon UK, and Infibeam.

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— Kalpana Chawla


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